President's Message

In one week, twice the thanks

Toni M. Antalis
Sept. 2, 2021

We all have been through tough times over the past year, and COVID-19 has had a particularly disruptive effect on the research community, especially on our postdocs and graduate students. I’m taking this opportunity to ask you to join me in saying thank you to the dedicated individuals who have navigated many unexpected challenges and have stepped up to support the research community.

This month, Sept. 20-24, we celebrate both National Postdoc Appreciation Week and Peer Review Week.

Postdoc researchers are the lifeblood of our research and academic communities. Developing and nurturing their talent is critical to the generation of knowledge and innovation. During National Postdoc Appreciation Week, universities across the country will host a variety of activities and events to celebrate our postdocs and show appreciation for these dedicated individuals who make daily contributions to research and discovery.

We at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are thrilled to recognize the many talented and dedicated postdocs who contribute daily to the advancement of scientific research. As part of this celebration, we will host:

  • Daily coffee breaks Sept. 20-23 at 1:30 p.m. EDT: Join us on Twitter @ASBMB for science chat and the chance to win a cup of coffee on us!
  • Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m. EDT: Attend a webinar with Erica Gobrogge on building your personal brand, hosted by the Educational and Professional Development Committee.
  • Friday, Sept. 24, at 2 p.m. EDT: #ASBMBLovesPostdocs Twitter chat about postdoc life — tell us about your good news, grumbles and best advice for those graduate students about to embark on their own postdoc journeys.

Also mark your calendars for Peer Review Week, an annual global event celebrating the central role peer review plays in maintaining the quality of scientific communication. This year’s theme, “Identity in Peer Review,” explores the identities that make up who we are as individuals, organizations and populations, and how diverse, equitable and inclusive peer-review processes best can be achieved.

As members of a nonprofit society dedicated to fostering science and the research community, we at the ASBMB appreciate the careful peer review by expert editorial board members of our journals, the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, and the Journal of Lipid Research. These editorial boards are made up of scientists practicing in the research area of the manuscripts submitted, which is essential for ensuring that the published literature is kept to high standards of accuracy, rigor and reproducibility and that papers are published based on the quality of their scientific research and contribution to advancing a field.

I extend my gratitude to these vital individuals, and I hope you all will take time to thank these important members of our research community.

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Toni M. Antalis

Toni Antalis is a professor of physiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where she is also the associate director for training and education for the Greenebaum Cancer Center and the director of the graduate program in molecular medicine. She began her term as the ASBMB’s president in July 2020.

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