
Thiago Pasin
July 17, 2024
The language barrier: Daily struggles of an immigrant in science
“Because I’m afraid of being misunderstood or judged for my accent or grammar mistakes, I sometimes hesitate to speak up in meetings or share my ideas with colleagues,” Thiago Pasin writes.
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Water is the 2024 molecule of the year

Water is the 2024 molecule of the year

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The 54 nominees included proteins and protein complexes, RNAs, lipids, drugs and therapeutics, signaling mediators and more. ASBMB members cast their votes and determined the winner.

'I can do it without making a face'

'I can do it without making a face'

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Betty B. Tong describes the life lessons she learned 35 years ago as a Chinese graduate student in the U.S.

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Why AlphaFold 3 needs to be open source

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The powerful AI-driven software from DeepMind was released without making its code openly available to scientists.

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“I was perplexed,” Humphrey Omeoga writes. “(M)y greetings frequently went unacknowledged. In Nigeria, people are always willing to accept and return greetings, especially from a foreigner.”

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Advancing science through adventure

“Everyone around me assumed that the privilege and support of my family, coupled with my natural proclivity for science and writing, would lead me inevitably to biomedical science,” Yamini Dalal writes. “And so it has.”
Advancing science through adventure

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“Be it our racial background, upbringing or gender, diversity helps advance science by filling in gaps,” Minh Bui writes. “Each person alone is not equipped to address every question.”

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A newly employed scientists might not have a lot of desk space for trinkets, so here are some non-physical suggestions.

A cellular jigsaw puzzle

A cellular jigsaw puzzle

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Fatahiya Kashif created a 3D model to show immune–tumor interactions in the microenvironment.

Learning to listen

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In her talk at DiscoverBMB, ASBMB Sustained Leadership Award recipient Adele Wolfson reflected on the increased inclusiveness of science in recent decades.

Getting to know scientists half a world away

Getting to know scientists half a world away

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In a program at Wellesley College, students interview and write about researchers at a university in Ghana.

Let’s make ASBMB awardees look more like BMB scientists

Let’s make ASBMB awardees look more like BMB scientists

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Think about nominating someone outside your immediate network.

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