Awards and grants

The ASBMB recognizes exceptional scientists with a range of prestigious awards, grants and fellowships. The society provides these opportunities to scientists at all career stages throughout the year.

ASBMB annual awards

See past winners

ASBMB Herbert Tabor Research Award

Given for outstanding, innovative accomplishments in biological chemistry and molecular biology and contributions to the community of scientists.

ASBMB DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences

Given to a scientist for accessible and innovative developments or applications of computation to enhance research in the life sciences at the molecular or cellular level.

ASBMB Leadership Award

Recognizes individuals with a strong commitment to advancing the careers of women in biochemistry and molecular biology along with demonstrated excellence in research and/or service.

ASBMB Mildred Cohn Young Investigator Award

Recognizes outstanding research contributions to biochemistry and molecular biology.

ASBMB Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award

Honors an outstanding scientist who has shown a sustained commitment to breaking down local and/or systemic barriers against scientists and students from historically marginalized or excluded groups.

ASBMB William C. Rose Award for Exemplary Contributions to Education

Recognizes an individual who demonstrates an exceptional contribution to the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Avanti Award in Lipids

Recognizes outstanding research contributions in the area of lipids.

Bert and Natalie Vallee Award in Biomedical Science

Awarded to an established scientist for outstanding accomplishments in basic biomedical research.

Earl and Thressa Stadtman Distinguished Scientist Award

Awarded to a distinguished scientist for their outstanding achievement in basic research in the fields encompassed by the ASBMB.

Earl and Thressa Stadtman Young Scholar Award

Awarded to a scientist with no more than 15 years of experience since receiving a Ph.D. and/or M.D.

The Alice and C. C. Wang Award in Molecular Parasitology

Recognizes established investigators who are making seminal contributions to the field of molecular parasitology.

Walter A. Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipid Research

Recognizes outstanding research contributions in the area of lipids by a young investigator.

Student Chapter awards

ASBMB Student Chapters Regional Meeting Award

Supports small scientific meetings hosted by individual chapters or in collaboration with other schools or chapters.

Outstanding Chapter Award

An $850 cash prize to support chapter activities.

Student Chapter Outreach Grant

Up to $500 in support of outreach activities in a chapter's local community.

ASBMB Undergraduate Research Award

$1,200 award that supports undergraduate students’ summer research projects.

ASBMB Annual Meeting Student Chapters Travel Award

Awarded to assist designated chapter members presenting research at the ASBMB Annual Meeting.

Other awards

ASBMB Fellows

Selection as an ASBMB Fellow is an honor bestowed to our most distinguished and established members.

Marion B. Sewer Distinguished Scholarship for Undergraduates

Provides up to $2,000 toward undergraduate tuition costs for one academic year.

Science Outreach and Communication Grant

A memberwide grant to encourage new or existing science outreach and communication activities.


PROLAB allows Latin American graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to spend up to six months in U.S. or Canadian laboratories.

ASBMB networking grants

Grants up to $500 to assist members in hosting networking events.

ASBMB Science Fair Award

Recognizes outstanding achievement in biochemistry and molecular biology research by a middle or high school science student

Capitol Hill Day

Funding for trainees to visit Washington, D.C., to meet with their congressional leaders.