About us

ASBMB code of conduct

The mission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology and to promote the understanding of the molecular nature of life processes. In furtherance of that mission, the ASBMB (and the field we lead) can flourish only if it:

  • Sets high standards of climate, culture and conduct that foster full participation for all talent in the society;
  • Ensures a safe environment, both online and in person, for all engaged in, supporting or providing services to the society;
  • Creates a climate that welcomes a diversity of people and ideas to advance science;
  • Fosters an enterprise that engenders trust by current and future ASBMB community participants, the public at large, and funding agencies; and
  • Holds its members to the highest standards of rigor, reproducibility and transparency in order to engender trust in the science that they generate and share.

This policy applies to all ASBMB community participants (“Participants”), including but not limited to members, volunteers, employees, contractors, honorees, and other individuals, groups and entities when they are involved in any capacity in an ASBMB activity such as:

  • All activities and events sponsored, funded or conducted in whole or in part by, or otherwise involving, the ASBMB, wherever located;
  • Any use of ASBMB property, funding or other resources, whether otherwise involving the society or not; and
  • Performance of any ASBMB role, responsibility, privilege, function or contract.

Guiding principles

To advance the society’s mission and objectives, the society adopts the following guiding principles:

  1. ASBMB Participants aim to uphold and advance the integrity and dignity of the profession and practice of biochemistry and molecular biology.
  2. ASBMB Participants are expected to be honest, unbiased, ethical, impartial and professional in their interactions with their trainees, supervisors, employees, employers, colleagues, clients, patients and the public.
  3. ASBMB Participants strive to increase the competence and prestige of the profession and practice of biochemistry and molecular biology by responsible action.
  4. ASBMB Participants seek to maintain and expand their professional knowledge and skills.


All ASBMB Participants shall:

  1. Be honest in the conduct, report and attribution of their work; and shall not commit acts of misconduct which is defined as:
    1. Research misconduct (fabrication, falsification or plagiarism);
    2. Sexual Harassment, other harassment and other discrimination (on the basis of, e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, identity and expression, disability, and other identities — including all such bases) in any teaching, learning, research, professional practice or service endeavor;
    3. Other unprofessional or unethical conduct related to research, teaching, learning, professional practice, service and proposals.
  2. Avoid conflicts of interest, professional misconduct and abuse of privileged positions, including power differentials. ASBMB Participants shall make full disclosure of financial and other interests that might present a conflict in society activities.
  3. Take responsibility to report breaches of ASBMB’s code of Conduct to senior society staff or Council member.
  4. Not represent any position as being that of the ASBMB unless it has the prior written approval from the appropriate unit of the ASBMB.
  5. Agree to abide by this code of conduct as a condition of membership in the society or any other participation.