The ASBMB strives to develop programs that support and increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Our diversity, equity and inclusion programs are supported by the Maximizing Access Committee and the Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee.

Research Spotlight

Everyone should have equal access to the endless career opportunities in STEM, and everyone has an equal responsibility when it comes to promoting and pushing forward the need for minorities in biomedical research.

Stephen D. Williams
Stephen D. Williams

Postdoctoral fellow in medical genetics, Baylor College of Medicine

Diversity, equity and inclusion news
Upcoming opportunities

Register for ASBMB's annual meeting and upcoming conference on ferroptosis by Feb. 18 for discounted rates.

The monopoly defined: Who holds the power of science communication?

“At the official competition, out of 12 presenters, only two were from R2 institutions, and the other 10 were from R1 institutions. And just two had distinguishable non-American accents.”

 Yes, I have an accent — just like you

When the author, a native Polish speaker, presented her science as a grad student, she had to wrap her tongue around the English term “fluorescence cross-correlation microscopy.”

Upcoming opportunities

Register for #ASBMB25 by Feb. 18 to get the best deal!


‘All of Us’ for the future of inclusive research and healthcare

A webinar held in observance of National Minority Health Month featuring the work of two BMB researchers who are using the NIH's All of Us Research Program to do their work and highlighting the importance of including populations from historically marginalized backgrounds in research.

‘All of Us’ for the future of inclusive research and healthcare Primary Image
More events
 Attracting — and keeping — grad students from all walks of life

Attracting — and keeping — grad students from all walks of life

Two academic leaders who specialize in recruitment and retention discuss their professional experiences, program outcomes and winning strategies that are worthy of adoption by other institutions. More

“School’s out for summer” book club on gender equity

“School’s out for summer” book club on gender equity

A discussion of “What Works: Gender Equality by Design” by Iris Bohnet, presented by the ASBMB Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee. More

Resources from the ASBMB


Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month timeline

A timeline highlighting important achievements in the life sciences made by scientists of Asian American and Pacific Island heritage.


Scientists of the Americas

A timeline highlighting important achievements in the life sciences made by Hispanic scientists.


Celebrating women in STEM

A timeline highlighting important achievements in STEM made by female scientists.


A history of Black scientists

Celebrating important contributions and achievements in science and technology made by Black scientists.


Marion B. Sewer Distinguished Scholarship for Undergraduates

Provides up to $2,000 toward undergraduate tuition costs for one academic year.


ASBMB Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award

Honors an outstanding scientist who has shown a sustained commitment to breaking down local and/or systemic barriers against scientists and students from historically marginalized or excluded groups.


IMAGE grant writing workshop

Transform your grant applications! Learn from NSF, NIH and HHMI program directors how to write winning proposals for federal research funding.


Resources to help increase your network and continue to enhance diversity within the field.