Important dates

July 1 Workshop and interest group proposal submission opens
Sept. 17 Deadline for submission of interest group/workshop proposal
Sept. 18 Abstract submission and travel award application opens
Oct. 15 Exhibit and sponsorship sales opens
Oct. 15 Career and education fair application opens
Oct. 15 Ancillary event application opens
Oct. 30 Early-decision abstract deadline*
Nov. 4 Notifications sent to interest group and workshop organizers about selection decision and scheduling information
Nov. 14 Authors of early decision abstracts notified (does not include format of presentation or date/time of scheduled presentation)
Dec. 2 Organizers of selected interest groups to submit final list of speakers
Dec. 4 Registration and housing opens
Dec. 9 Regular abstract deadline
Dec. 9 Travel award application deadline
Jan. 6 Late-breaking abstract submission opens
Jan. 17 Authors of regular abstracts notified of spotlight talk selection
Jan. 24 Authors of regular abstracts notified of poster presentation selection
Jan. 27 Travel award applicants notified of funding selection
Jan. 28 Late-breaking abstract deadline
Feb. 11 Authors of late-breaking abstracts notified of poster presentation selection
Feb. 18 Early registration deadline
March 10 Poster presenters notified of assigned board number and presentation time
April 10 Regular registration deadline

* Abstracts submitted by Oct. 30 will be fast-tracked for early review and notified of presentation decision on Nov. 14.