Author agreement

During the abstract-submission process, the submitting author will need to read and agree to the following:

By submitting an abstract, the primary author certifies that they have the approval of all co-authors listed in the application to publish and present the information contained in the abstract.

Responsibility statement

  • I have read and agree to the scientific integrity abstract policies.
  • I confirm that all authors have read the abstract and approved their authorship of the abstract and agree to the policies outlined.

Photography and recording policy

Registration, presentation and publication of my abstract

I have read and agree to the following terms:
  • I am required to register for the meeting and present my talk or poster in person at the scheduled date and time at the conference location.
  • Abstracts will be published in the online program and mobile app prior to the meeting, as well as the online supplement to the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Abstracts will not be copy edited and will be published as submitted by author.
  • ASBMB reserves the right to live stream presentations (including slides, illustrations and posters) to a remote audience or record presentations for later viewing by attendees or ASBMB members. This includes the right to any photography during the conference for the purpose of promotion and marketing of this meeting or future meetings.
  • Any handouts or slides I provide for the in-person and/or remote virtual audience may be viewed by attendees and ASBMB members before, during and after the meeting.