Email communications

Reach your customers’ inboxes

All ASBMB publications (JBC, MCP, JLR and ASBMB Today) send daily, weekly or monthly e-communications to opt-in subscribers.

Curated newsletters

Journal newsletters are curated by ASBMB science writers and include summaries of new papers. MCP and JLR send monthly newsletter emails to ASBMB members, authors and other leads. JBC sends three monthly newsletters to ASBMB members, authors and leads. JBC Recommended Reads, a collection of recent papers, is sent every two weeks. JBC Reviews, which highlights recent reviews published in JBC, is sent once a month. These emails can accommodate banner ads (650 x 80 pixels).

Curated newsletter statistics

JBC email recipients 50,200
JLR email recipients 13,725
MCP email recipients 9,763


Newsletter ad rate $1,000/email

Electronic Table of Contents (eTOC)

eTOCs may include newly published reviews, reports, and articles. JBC sends a weekly eTOC, and MCP and JLR send monthly eTOCs.

Papers in Press (PIP) alerts

PIPs are papers in manuscript form that have been accepted but have not been copyedited and not yet appeared in a regular issue of the journal. PIP alert emails are sent as needed.

eTOC and PIP statistics

JBC registered users 70,731
JLR registered users 4,608
MCP registered users 4,830


JBC and JLR eTOC/PIP ad rate $600/email
MCP eTOC/PIP ad rate $400/email

ASBMB Today email communications

ASBMB Today, the news magazine of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, sends out weekly emails highlighting new articles. The email features a note from the editor, Comfort Dorn.

ASBMB Today’s weekly communications are sent to all of ASBMB’s members as well as additional subscribers. ASBMB Today email recipients include principal investigators (41%), undergraduates (31.36%), emeritus professors (10.5%), graduate students (9.95%), and postdocs and new professors (5.17%).

ASBMB Today emails are an ideal place for advertising:

  • Graduate school programs
  • Webinars and courses
  • Meetings and conferences
  • Laboratory products and reagents
  • Scientific services (editing, sample preparation, language translation)

This email can accomodate top banner ads (650 x 80 pixels).

Emailer recipients 12,385
Emailer ad rate $1,000/email

Email statistics

Journal emails are sent to previous authors from our journals, readers who have opted in and ASBMB members who have indicated an interest in fields covered by the journal.

ASBMB Today emails are sent to all ASBMB members as well as readers who have opted in.

JBC Recommended Reads (sent twice a month)

  • Open rate: 32.1%
  • Click-through rate: 3.6%
  • List size: 50,198

JBC Reviews (sent once a month)

  • Open rate: 33.6%
  • Click-through rate: 2.9%
  • List size: 51,021

Highlights from the Journal of Lipid Research (sent once a month)

  • Open rate: 35.4%
  • Click-through rate: 3.5%
  • List size: 9,670

Highlights from Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (sent once a month)

  • Open rate: 39.2%
  • Click-through rate: 3.5%
  • List size: 10,118

ASBMB Today (sent once a week)

  • Open rate: 34.4%
  • Click-through rate: 5.3%
  • List size: 12,385

Detailed demographics of ASBMB mailing lists can be provided upon request.


To advertise with the ASBMB, please contact:

Tom Pitofsky (East Coast)
Tel: +1 661-513-7247

Jim Secretario (Mid-West, West Coast & Canada)
Tel: +1 917-678-0541

Kevin Partridge (Europe & Asia)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 843717